Health Care Solutions for Rural Americans

Heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries, chronic lower respiratory disease and stroke. These top five causes of death in the United States all have a higher incidence of death among rural residents and research points to lack of access to health care as a culprit. Today, rural hospitals are closing at a rapid pace, expanding an […]

Job Search Tips for People Over 50

By Kat Boogaard, No matter who you are, hunting for a job can be tough. But, when you’re over 50? There are times when it seems downright impossible. Technology keeps changing, the workforce just keeps getting younger (seriously, some of these interns look like they’re 12) and there seems to be an element of […]

What Is Your Family’s Emergency Plan?

While the impact of winter weather varies across the country, nearly all Americans are affected in some capacity each year as temperatures drop, from freezing rain to severe blizzards. One of the key dangers when severe weather strikes are the potential loss of heat, power, and communication services. Making a portable generator part of your […]