May 2021 Bloomington Normal NV Issue

Is It Wise To Trade Your Pension for a Lump Sum?

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial Group Most private employers have already replaced traditional pensions, which promise lifetime income payments in retirement, with defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. Fifteen percent of private-sector workers and 75 percent of state and local government workers still participate in traditional pensions. Altogether, 35 percent of workers say they (and/or […]
Love Has Kept Us Together

By Sandra Dempsey Post Expressions of love vary from light-hearted to serious to romantic with many detours in between. Sonnet writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806 to 1861, asked “How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach. I love thee […]
How the ‘Dream Vacation’ Has Changed for Americans

The pandemic has changed the way we work, learn and socialize, so it’s no surprise that it’s also changed the way we think about travel. One thing is certain, as the vaccine rollout continues, globetrotters worldwide are eager to return to their regularly scheduled travel. A new survey from global accommodations search platform trivago reveals […]
Do You Have a Crisis Care Plan for Your Pet?

By Kimberly Blaker If there’s one thing the spread of COVID-19 has taught us, it’s to expect and plan for the unexpected. This doesn’t just apply to preparing for yourself and the people in your life. In the event of an emergency, advance preparation for the care of your pet is vital to your pet’s […]