June 2021 Peoria NV Issue

Peoria Historical Society Guided Walking Tours

Peoria Historical Society will offer guided walking tours in historic neighborhoods, Springdale Cemetery, and other places of historical interest this summer and fall. Tours will be from 9:30-11 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays. The schedule for June is: June 4 – “Grand Glen Oak Avenue” with Beth Johnson. Meet at John C. Flanagan House Museum, 942 […]
Healing Veterans and Helping the Environment Go Hand-in-Hand

What does helping the environment have to do with veterans suffering from psychological trauma brought about by their combat experience? A lot, actually. That is because one organization, Help Heal Veterans (Heal Vets), is busy delivering thousands of arts-and-crafts therapy kits to veterans each month, and most kits are made largely from recycled materials. The […]
A Hobby With Surprising Health Benefits

By Angela Kauffman, Snyder Village As the temperatures rise and the grass grows a deeper shade of green, nature seems to beckon us outdoors. A great way to spend time in the beauty of nature is to dig into nature itself—by gardening. Gardening can be a perfect activity for older adults and presents many benefits. […]
One Degree Functional Health: Neuropathy Care Makes Good Sense

By Alexander Germanis We are connected to our world by far more than just the laws of physics. Our senses of sight, smell, hearing, and taste enable us to react and interact to so much of the world around us. Touch, however, is the sense we use not just to react and interact to the […]