When Retirement Isn’t Your Choice


Submitted by McBeath Financial Group   Let’s face it. Sometimes you can do everything right, and it still feels like you end up getting a raw deal. You want to scream your frustrations at the world. You might even cry yourself to sleep at night, so worried about your family and your future that you […]

Lucky Shamrock Cookies

mint chocolate chip

It’s your lucky day because you don’t have to search for the pot of gold under the rainbow for this winning recipe. Throw out the old Irish classics and sweeten things up this year with some mint chocolate chip fun. If you’re in a crunch for St. Patrick’s Day and need something glowing with green, […]

The American Passion Play to Take the BCPA Stage This Spring for the Final Time

american passion play

The American Passion Play, one of Bloomington’s most enduring traditions, will take the stage at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts (BCPA) this Spring for its 100th—and final—year. The scope of the American Passion Play is unique in that it includes not only the Passion, but all of the major events in the adult […]

How to Recognize Fake News & Halt the Spread of Misinformation in Its Tracks

spot fake news

By Kimberly Blaker   Thanks to the internet’s prevalence and easy access through smartphones and other devices, all the world’s information can fit inside our pockets. The latest news, information, and anything you could ever want to know are all just a few clicks away. Unfortunately, the growth of information on the internet has given […]

Strawberry Mousse

strawberry mousse

Special occasion recipes that can be made with clean, fresh ingredients in a matter of minutes make some of the best-tasting dishes, snacks, and treats. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best route to take as opposed to confusing prep that takes too much time.   This Strawberry Mousse is a perfect recipe to make […]

February Is Low Vision Awareness Month

low vision

Submitted by LIFE Center for Independent Living   One of the many programs LIFE Center for Independent Living (LIFE CIL) offers is the Older Blind program that serves anyone 55 or older with severe vision loss. LIFE CIL provides low vision services to increase independence including assistive devices such as low vision and talking watches, […]

5 Easy Ways to Say “I Love You”


If gift-giving isn’t your strong suit, occasions like Valentine’s Day are likely to bring on stress and worry, but procrastinating will only serve to elevate your unease. Follow these steps to simplify your shopping, and while you may not come to love the task of finding the perfect gift, your loved one will undoubtedly appreciate […]

6 Ways to Build Lasting Heart Healthy Habits

healthy habits

Starting on a path toward healthy habits is often easier than maintaining them long term. This year, you can avoid a major pitfall of healthy resolutions and build healthy habits that stick by working small, positive steps into your daily life.   In fact, healthy habits are the first suggested treatment strategy for people whose […]

Strawberry Mousse

Special occasion recipes that can be made with clean, fresh ingredients in a matter of minutes make some of the best-tasting dishes, snacks, and treats. Sometimes keeping it simple is the best route to take as opposed to confusing prep that takes too much time. This Strawberry Mousse is a perfect recipe to make for […]