Does Medicare Remind You of Alphabet Soup?


By Tamia R. Banks, HSM BA, LPN, CMCN, Senior Solutions Broker   Doesn’t Medicare remind you of Alphabet soup? There’s A, B, C, and D. Then you may hear some talking about supplemental plans A, B, D, G, K, L, M, N, and F for those that are eligible—it’s just confusing. Being able to sit […]

5 Easy Ways to Say “I Love You”


If gift-giving isn’t your strong suit, occasions like Valentine’s Day are likely to bring on stress and worry, but procrastinating will only serve to elevate your unease. Follow these steps to simplify your shopping, and while you may not come to love the task of finding the perfect gift, your loved one will undoubtedly appreciate […]

Are Personal Computers Really for Seniors?


By Ronald Ziemba, Peoria Area SeniorNet   This sounds like a simple question, but when examined, it turns out to be more complex than it sounds. My background is with computers and here is what I found.   Shortly after I retired a fellow retiree asked me to join SeniorNet. SeniorNet is an organization that […]

Adjusting Post-Pandemic

after pandemic

Submitted by Annette Morrison, M.S., CRS A/D   Joe waited in line at the Pharmacy for his prescription for 45 minutes, just to be told at checkout that it would still not be ready for another 2 hours. He was so frustrated. But as he watched the two staff behind the counter scramble to catch […]

Warm Up Winter With Watermelon Fun


The cold chill of winter may have you feeling trapped indoors with nothing to do and nowhere to go, but fun activities fit for the whole family can add excitement and chase away those wintertime blues. Paired with an appetizing snack, at-home crafting provides a relaxing way to keep your mind and body moving.   […]

Taking Steps to Prevent Falls

prevent falls

Submitted by Villas of Holly Brook   When you’re young, an injury from a fall may sideline you for a few days or weeks, but a full recovery is usually quick. As you get older, the consequences of falls can become more serious, setting up a sequence of events that can have longstanding implications on […]

How Does Loneliness and Isolation Affect Physical and Mental Health?

social isolation

By Kimberly Blaker   Humans are inherently social animals who rely on interpersonal relationships for a variety of needs. When people experience healthy friendships, family dynamics, and even casual positive interactions with others, they feel a sense of belonging and satisfaction, which translates to better health. Unfortunately, when your social connections and relationships don’t meet […]