ARC Celebrates a Year of Growth This National Senior Center Month


If you asked the management team of the Normal Township Activity & Recreation Center (ARC) at the end of 2021 what we thought 2022 would bring for the center and for the 55+ community, I’m not sure any one of us would have known how to answer. The challenges and changes ARC navigated since the […]

A Grand-Mom: An Unexpected Modern-Day Role

grandparents raising grandchildren

Submitted by Annette Morrison, CRS-A/D, M.S., CCSI Case Coordination LLC   Judith took the hand of her two-year-old grandson, Mickey, and walked through the grocer door. She felt a little overwhelmed. What would she need to buy to take care of him?  It had been years since she was responsible for a little one and […]

Key Symptoms of Dementia


Submitted by Sugar Creek Alzheimer’s Special Care Center   Everyone’s experience with dementia is different. While your parent or loved one may struggle with general memory loss, someone else may not be displaying issues with memory, but struggle more with loss of general reasoning. In simpler terms, the impact dementia has on any one person—and […]

A Heritage of Community Spirit at Work


Everyone seems to be busy these days, but helping others in our community is something we should all consider to make a difference in other peoples’ lives. Many people came together at Heritage Health–Therapy & Senior Care in Normal and volunteered their time to make the gardens beautiful again for the residents and their families […]

Memory, Forgetfulness, and Aging: What’s Normal and What’s Not?

Alzheimer's disease

By Kristyn Durre, Community Resource Director, Sugar Creek Alzheimer’s Special Care Center Many older people worry about their memory and other thinking abilities. For example, they might be concerned about taking longer than before to learn new things, or they might sometimes forget to pay a bill. These changes are usually signs of mild forgetfulness—often a […]

Reaching Retirement: Now What?

social security

By Krista McBeath, McBeath Financial You’ve worked hard your whole life anticipating the day you could finally retire. Well, that day has arrived! But with it comes the realization that you’ll need to carefully manage your assets to give them lasting potential. Review Your Portfolio Regularly Traditional wisdom holds that retirees should value the safety […]

Hey June!


By Sherry Gordon-Harris Every season, I can’t wait for the next season to be here (like when it’s finally summer, I’m waiting for fall and the cooler temperatures). I’ve always done that, but I’m getting better about living in the moment.  Hey June! Now that the beginning of summer is almost here, I’ve started thinking […]

Help for a Senior Scam Victim Could This Be You?

CCSI Case Coordination

By Annette Morrison, M.S., CRS-A/D; CCSI Case Coordination, LLC Jose’ was terrified. He has received a call from Social Security that his documentation was compromised and he was in danger of being deported. The representative from Social Security verified his information over the phone and asked for a few more personal details, which he gladly […]

Strategic Philanthropy

Strategic Philanthropy

Presented by Lanna Scannell, CFRE, Director of Strategic Philanthropy, OSF HealthCare Foundation Being strategic in your charitable giving has never been more important. How can you make an impact for good in a way that works best for you and your family?  Before you look at “how” to make a gift to a charitable organization […]

Is It Time To Give up Driving?

stop driving

Submitted by Villas of Holly Brook At age 78, Sheila thinks she’s a good driver, but, this year, she’s had a minor accident and several near misses. She’s noticed a few new dents on her car and doesn’t know how they got there. Sheila wonders how she can stay safe behind the wheel. Have you […]