February Is Low Vision Awareness Month

low vision

Submitted by LIFE Center for Independent Living


One of the many programs LIFE Center for Independent Living (LIFE CIL) offers is the Older Blind program that serves anyone 55 or older with severe vision loss. LIFE CIL provides low vision services to increase independence including assistive devices such as low vision and talking watches, talking clocks, timers, scales. Also provided are large print items such as calendars, address books, and check registers; as well as handheld and standing magnifiers to name a few. All the products and services LIFE CIL provides are free of charge.


Kim Tarkowski is LIFE CIL’s Vision Access Advocate and has been with LIFE CIL over 20 years and has assisted thousands of seniors with vision loss in that time. She serves people with macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and other age-related vision concerns. Kim also coordinates Orientation and Mobility (O&M) training, provides training on iPhones to learn to use accessibility features such as voice-over, along with other tips and tricks to make life easier with vision loss. Kim facilitates three Low Vision Support Groups in the community.


If you are interested in receiving low vision services or want additional information, please contact Kim Tarkowski at (309) 663-5433 or email her at [email protected] to schedule an appointment.   If an individual is under the age of 55 and has vision loss, please contact Kim, as there may be other funding available to assist.


LIFE CIL is a not-for-profit, non-residential organization that assists any person with any disability to live independently in DeWitt, Ford, Livingston, and McLean Counties. LIFE CIL’s funding for this program is provided in whole or in part by Illinois Department of Human Services/Bureau of Blind Services.


LIFE Center for Independent Living is located at 2201 Eastland Drive #1, in Bloomington. For more information you may contact them at 309-663-5433.


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