How Do You Do? CBD


Evidence continues to build through clinical trials supporting CBD and its effectiveness in addressing medical conditions associated to pain, inflammation, anxiety, and insomnia (sleeplessness) and more. These studies have compared against current standard of care regimens. Excitement among medical practitioners continues to build around CBD as a viable natural option for treatment of such conditions, albeit with minimal, if any, risk to patient involved. Side effects associated to CBD use have been found to be transient, minimal in nature, and generally well tolerated. We as humans and animals have what’s called an Endocannibinoid system and Endocannibinoid receptors built into our anatomy. Our bodies receive and interact with CBD in a natural  and holistic manner to effectively address significant factors that impact our activities of daily living. It’s important to remember, recognize and reflect on the driving forces behind common issues that affect us on a daily basis. Example: Our pain may come from inflammation and could also cause anxiety and/or insomnia. Common over-the counter remedies for these conditions are sought out regularly with limited success. Consumers spend millions annually on these drugs in hopes of relief. CBD shines new light for many that may think there is no help for their symptoms.

CBD in general can be very confusing to the consumer. It is available in many different effective delivery methods including, topicals, edibles, and orals which offer the consumer convenient dosing options. Topicals include creams and lotions to be applied directly to an affected area which may include an aching joint or arthritic hands. Edibles may come in the form of gummies, drink mixes tablets, or capsules and can be paired with other natural remedies (termed Nutraceuticals) like Dream for sleep. Oral application is common with tinctures and oils. Sublingual application under the tongue offers fast, direct absorption into the bloodstream via Mucosa. Regarding cost, tinctures tend to be the most cost effective of all delivery methods—while offering systemic delivery throughout the body.

CBD is also available in 3 different forms. CBD Isolate, CBD Broad Spectrum and CBD Full Spectrum. A hemp plant contains several different cannibinoids. Think of them as a spectrum of colors. CBD is one of these. When only CBD is put into a product, this is called CBD Isolate. CBD Full Spectrum has all the Cannibinoids of the hemp plant including CBD, CBG, CBA, CBC, CBN, THCA (at a .3% legal rate), and around 140 different terpines. Full Spectrum products offer the most impactful entourage effects. CBD Broad Spectrum contains everything Full Spectrum contains minus the THC component. The THC has been extracted through a specialized technique involving super cold C02. Broad Spectrum has rapidly become very popular for workers that are subject to urinalysis in the workplace with zero risk of THC exposure in all Medical Mary Broad Spectrum products. Consumers should look for 3rd party independent laboratory content analysis reports for all CBD products being purchased. This certificate provides consumer assurance and validation of the product content.

Dosing of CBD can be as simple as applying a topical cream to an affected area, but can also get more in depth for those who suffer from chronic pain or major symptoms including, arthritis, osteo arthritis, chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia, cancer, etc. Topicals can be applied up to four times per day as symptoms require. CBD Isolate, Broad Spectrum and Full Spectrum that is ingested should be dosed per milligram at a level that offers symptomatic relief, dosed in 6-8 hour intervals, just like medication. This provides steady state blood levels—known as a drug pharmacokinetic profile. Studies suggest a good starting point would be around 50-100 mg daily depending on body weight. This could be dosed at 25-50 mg in the morning on waking and 25-50 mg in the afternoon (every 6-8 hrs). It could also be dosed again at bedtime for those suffering from chronic conditions. Insomnia or sleeplessness is another reason patients utilize CBD at bedtime. Intermittent use of CBD for intermittent symptoms is fine, but it’s important to remember that chronic symptoms require chronic management of your symptoms. Symptoms (inflammation/pain) tend to return if not dosed properly on a 6-8 hour regimen. Medical Mary brand CBD is manufactured under FDA oversight and GMP standards. Additionally, measures are taken by Medical Mary to ensure a  pharmaceutical grade CBD product is delivered to you in each and every bottle that you purchase. Guaranteed.

The following links have information regarding prescription drug interactions with CBD. We suggest you consult your physician if you have questions regarding CBD and any prescriptions you may be taking. The evidence continues to evolve and additional uses for CBD are being discovered. Practically speaking,  it is important to recognize where and when a drug interaction may exist, but also important to consider how to effectively manage that drug interaction. In chronic conditions, CBD can be dosed at a specific milligram per day chronically. If a fixed drug interaction would take place, adjustment of therapeutic levels of the additional drug may be necessary to achieve control of other symptoms under treatment. A drug interaction is not a contraindication to use. Blood levels can be monitored in the case of narrow therapeutic index drugs like Coumadin or thyroid medication.   

  • offers insight into all clinical trials around the world, reporting  study site location and engagement in specific studies inclusive of all pharmaceuticals and would be inclusive to CBD.

Kipling Lavender is a family farming business in West Central Illinois. Alongside of our full line of relaxing lavender products—lavender has many uses including relaxation at bedtime—Kipling Lavender is proud to be a distributor of high quality Medical Mary CBD products. Enjoy 20% off your Medical Mary CBD purchase today at

By Randy Kipling, Kipling Lavender

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