Shopping Small Businesses

Small Business Saturday

By Faye Andris

We are so fortunate to have so many locally owned small businesses in our community. In 2018 more than 60 of these local businesses participated in Small Business Saturday. The advantages are many for shopping local businesses in our area. Let’s look at a few of these advantages. Our small businesses are owned by your friends and neighbors. These are the same friends and neighbors who buy your children’s magazines, your children’s Girl Scout Cookies and support your children’s school projects. These are the same friends and neighbors who have invested their time and their talents to create a business that is unique and unlike any other. They offer both flare and style to the place where you live.

Another advantage to shopping small businesses is; small businesses provide opportunities for locals and create worthwhile jobs, small businesses hire locally, they also help local economies by keeping money close to home. 

Small business shopping helps our community in so many other ways. Statistics show that 68 dollars of every 100 dollars spent with a small business stays in our community. It is a great way for us to make a difference while doing our holiday shopping.

Small businesses are much more likely to invest in the community. Research shows that small businesses are 250 times more likely to make those donations that are needed by organizations in our area. Because they live and work in our community they are much more likely to get involved in these projects that will help you and your family. Coming up on November 27, 2021 we have an event called Small Business Saturday. This is a nationwide campaign that celebrates small businesses and shows support for all these businesses who invest so much into our communities.

Small Business Saturday was a day created by American Express on November 27, 2010 in an effort to support local shops that make communities strong. It has created awareness and has helped our small businesses to gain exposure and boost sales. Each year it has continued to grow in popularity with more and more shoppers pledging their support. Small Business Saturday is held the Saturday after Thanksgiving, which is one of the busiest shopping days of the year. In recent years, many small business owners have gotten quite creative by trying different ways to reach out to their shoppers.

Small Business Saturday is a day you can support jobs and growth in the community you live in while doing holiday shopping for your family. This year our brick and mortar stores are working diligently to provide a wonderful shopping experience while keeping locations sanitized and safe for their shoppers.

Let’s make a pledge today to shop more small businesses. They are the heart of every community.


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