Gardening with Grandchildren


Playing in Dirt Isn’t Just Fun – It’s Healthy, Too!   By Kimberly Blaker   There’s no question, playing in the dirt tops the list of fun for kids, particularly young children, despite the protests of many well-intended grandparents. If you happen to be one of those worried grandparents, you can put your fears aside. […]

A Journey of Hope

osf healthcare foundation

Presented by Lanna Scannell, CFRE, Director of Strategic Philanthropy, OSF HealthCare Foundation Violet Spengler was just 4 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her mother, Mary, recalls she had no symptoms, other than a minor fever that went away but kept coming back. On her way out the door for an appointment one […]

Where Home & Love Are Forever

foster care

By Sandra Dempsey Post Welcoming a child into a home and family can be wonderful, exciting, challenging, exhausting, and rewarding beyond comparison. As with everything in life, not every step goes perfectly. Some situations need full attention, people willing to help, and ways to find solutions. Sometimes it’s asking for help and often it’s learning […]

Fostering Dignity

Valerie Beguin paints a picture of the scenes she encountered as a former investigator with Illinois Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS)…A phone call is made to the Illinois Child Abuse Hotline which initiates an investigation within 24 hours. The anonymous caller reports seeing his neighbor severely beating her 9-year-old son. An investigation by DCFS […]

National Sunglass Day is June 27th


Submitted by Mary Bennyhoff, Illinois Eye Center   Are you ready for National Sunglass Day? The Vision Council is working to educate consumers on the importance of wearing UV-protective eyewear. Next time you’re in the market for a new pair of shades, make UV-protection a priority and always purchase eyewear from a reputable source—like the Optical Boutique at […]

Children Grieve Differently During the Holidays

By Tana Villanueva, VITAS® Healthcare VITAS® Healthcare has more than 40 years of experience in handling grief—extensive knowledge that allows us to recognize and help those who are experiencing a difficult bereavement. But even hospice professionals understand that the holidays are particularly difficult for those who have lost a loved one.  We know that children […]