How the ‘Dream Vacation’ Has Changed for Americans


The pandemic has changed the way we work, learn and socialize, so it’s no surprise that it’s also changed the way we think about travel. One thing is certain, as the vaccine rollout continues, globetrotters worldwide are eager to return to their regularly scheduled travel. A new survey from global accommodations search platform trivago reveals […]

Do You Have a Crisis Care Plan for Your Pet?

pet's stress

By Kimberly Blaker If there’s one thing the spread of COVID-19 has taught us, it’s to expect and plan for the unexpected. This doesn’t just apply to preparing for yourself and the people in your life. In the event of an emergency, advance preparation for the care of your pet is vital to your pet’s […]

How the ‘Dream Vacation’ Has Changed for Americans

dream vacation

The pandemic has changed the way we work, learn and socialize, so it’s no surprise that it’s also changed the way we think about travel. One thing is certain, as the vaccine rollout continues, globetrotters worldwide are eager to return to their regularly scheduled travel. A new survey from global accommodations search platform trivago reveals […]

Top Ways to Vacation Responsibly in 2021

costal Mississippi

After months of cautionary travel and shelving vacation plans, people, especially those with families at home, are researching how they can indulge their wanderlust safely again in 2021. The goal is to enjoy a vacation in a responsible manner, creating memories while keeping yourself and others safe. Heading to Coastal Mississippi: The Secret Coast is […]

Coping With Loss and Grief During the Coronavirus Crisis

By Tana Villanueva, General Manager for VITAS® Healthcare Grief is a natural response to loss, and feelings of loss can be compounded during a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. Sometimes, grief-related pain and symptoms—which can be emotional, physical, cognitive, and spiritual—can feel overwhelming, especially for people who are already mourning the death of a loved […]

5 Tips for Remote Caregiving During COVID-19

Submitted by Villas of Holly Brook If you’re one of the millions of caregivers in the United States, you know that COVID-19—and the realities of social distancing and isolation—may complicate the day-to-day tasks of caregiving. But even now, it’s important to remember that you can continue to make a positive impact on your loved one’s […]

Preventing Social Isolation in a Time of Social Distancing

By Brandee Cowley, BSN RN Here we are in the closing month of 2020, and we are all facing the reality that we are still in the middle of a pandemic. SARS-CoV-19, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been a topic of discussion, research, and discontent, and has caused illness and claimed many lives since […]

How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy

Although you may not be able to fully prevent an illness this season, a healthy immune system is one way to give your body extra protection. Focusing on nutrient-rich foods and healthy lifestyle behaviors can help you and your family stay a step ahead. Immune-Boosting Nutrients The following nutrients play a role in the immune […]

May You Know Love and Kindness

By Sandra Dempsey Post Back to school rings loudly in the hearts and hopes of many parents and grandparents. Moms and Dads are very busy and involved working out all the logistics and complications that happen at the beginning of each academic year, and multiplied many times over this year because of the pandemic. Grandparents […]

Craving Connection: Why Stay in Touch While Keeping Distant?

Information from the American Heart Association News If you’ve been keeping a healthy distance from other people because of COVID-19, you probably feel smart. But, if you’re also feeling lonely and stressed, it doesn’t mean anything is wrong. It could simply mean you’re human. The need to be around people is hard-wired into our brains, […]