How Lifestyle Can Impact Neuropathy

Submitted by One Degree Functional Health Your lifestyle choices can have a big impact on your neuropathy and your symptoms. Nutrition is a one of those choices. What you eat or don’t eat is very important for healing neuropathy. For example, if you have diabetes, it is very important to monitor blood sugar levels and […]
Healing Veterans and Helping the Environment Go Hand-in-Hand

What does helping the environment have to do with veterans suffering from psychological trauma brought about by their combat experience? A lot, actually. That is because one organization, Help Heal Veterans (Heal Vets), is busy delivering thousands of arts-and-crafts therapy kits to veterans each month, and most kits are made largely from recycled materials. The […]
Healing Veterans and Helping the Environment Go Hand-in-Hand

What does helping the environment have to do with veterans suffering from psychological trauma brought about by their combat experience? A lot, actually. That is because one organization, Help Heal Veterans (Heal Vets), is busy delivering thousands of arts-and-crafts therapy kits to veterans each month, and most kits are made largely from recycled materials. The […]
A Healthy Determination

By Sandra Dempsey Post Even though the diagnosis was made some six months ago, it is still difficult for me to say the words, “I have cancer.” While there are many diseases and health risks, for me and likely others who feel this way, cancer seems exceedingly threatening and with so much to fear. Heart […]