What Machine Do I Need?

So…you think you might like to try piecing a quilt block and maybe even make a table topper, but do not want to invest in an expensive sewing machine. You have looked at some in various quilting shops and the price tags are staggering, especially for the beginner who is not sure they will even […]
“A Quilt Is a Warm Hug”

Submitted by Lutheran Hillside Village A quilt is a warm hug,” said Annette Smith, founder of the Samaritan Quilts group and resident at Lutheran Hillside Village in Peoria, Illinois, a Lutheran Senior Services Life Plan Community. Annette, 101, has motivated and inspired others to embrace the art of quilting. Together they create lap quilts […]

Quilting for me is not only an art that allows my creativity to be fed and challenges me, it also has created friendships that supply support and laughter. For me, these relationships are the absolute best part of quilting. So, for the past eight years the end of February has been my favorite time of […]
A Hobby With Surprising Health Benefits

By Angela Kauffman, Snyder Village As the temperatures rise and the grass grows a deeper shade of green, nature seems to beckon us outdoors. A great way to spend time in the beauty of nature is to dig into nature itself—by gardening. Gardening can be a perfect activity for older adults and presents many benefits. […]
Hand Crafted Greetings & Wishes

By Sandra Dempsey Post Hallmark Cards are known for their advertising slogan, “When you care enough to send the very best,” which was introduced in 1944. Ed Goodman, a Hallmark sales and marketing executive jotted down his thoughts, explaining what Hallmark stood for—”caring, quality, the best.” It’s a slogan that lives on and has served the company […]