Lucky Shamrock Cookies

mint chocolate chips

It’s your lucky day because you don’t have to search for the pot of gold under the rainbow for this winning recipe. Throw out the old Irish classics and sweeten things up this year with some mint chocolate chip fun.   If you’re in a crunch for St. Patrick’s Day and need something glowing with […]

Memories—The Most Precious Christmas Gift Ever!


By Pam Atkinson M.S. , Elm Haven Place The angst over Christmas shopping is already all over social media. Threatened shortages are looming already. What are we to do? Let me ask you this. What gifts do you remember? There may be one or two very notable gifts, but if I ask about events or […]

Holiday Shopping With Small Businesses

small businesses

By Faye Andris Christmas lights line the streets, holiday music fills the air, and there is a slight chill in the air. It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas and time to get started on our holiday shopping. The three Saturdays in December are some of the busiest shopping days of the year. […]

Home for the Holidays—and Beyond

community care program

Written by Annette Morrison, M.S., CRS-A/D; CCSI Case Coordination LLC Don’s holiday gathering was an eye-opener when his aging Mother, Dee, leaned over to lift the roaster with ham out of the oven and nearly fell. He offered to help, but her terse “Oh, no, I can get this!” made him step back. She had […]

Holiday Traditions For You & Yours to Treasure

holiday traditions

By Kimberly Blaker Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Eid al-Fitr, Bodhi Day, or the winter solstice, holiday traditions are a fun way for families to bond and create fond memories. The traditions you choose are limited only by your imagination in the way you and your family carry them out. The following are a […]

5 Ways to Plan for the Holidays After the Death of a Loved One

By Tana Villanueva, General Manager for VITAS® Healthcare Facing the holidays after the death of a loved one is difficult, especially the first few years. The bereavement experts at VITAS® Healthcare offer suggestions to help you and your family cope, enjoy time together, and honor a deceased loved one during the holidays. 1.  Ask each […]

Remembering Celebrations Gone By


Four letter words often get a bad rap which really isn’t fair. Sure there are some very strong meanings in a mere four letters, but there are also some lovely sentiments in words such as love, kind, help, good, and many more. And then sometimes the words are practically void of meaning in themselves until […]

Holiday Shopping With Small Businesses

By Faye Andris When the temperature drops and the holiday lights go up, then thoughts turn to hot chocolate, candy canes, and holiday shopping. The three Saturdays in December are some of the busiest shopping days of the year. It is always a great opportunity for small businesses to capture some of these shopping dollars […]

Cranks Up the Amps for Merry, Bright Holiday Lights and Fun

By Beth Whisman The familiar holiday lights in Uptown Normal will have an added sparkle this year. The popular destination has enhanced efforts to brighten the season and create a familiar space to reconnect with holiday traditions even as the social and retail landscape changes due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “There’s something about the canopy […]

Dancing To Moments and Memories


By Sandra Dempsey Post Author’s Note: ” Life changes with or without our permission,” I wrote in this article’s second paragraph.  Little did I know when submitting it on February 27th for April’s publication how pertinent those words would be less than one month later.  This article features reminiscing and some hard-earned wisdom.  It seemed […]